Friday, 24 May 2013

Is it me or are seats just always uncomfortable? At the cinema seeing the not Great Gatsby and heading South. The train in last night was delayed and my bum cheeks from ripe apricots to flattened boiled eggs. I hate delays. You count down and then have to count some more and that's frustrating.

Yesterday I had a lot of time to chew the cud on the train. I think there is wiring in us to push for change and shape opportunity when in fact the change happens naturally and we dance with opportunity quite happily with little need to force it and just go with it when it comes along. Maybe we do look too hard and miss the subtlety. Life is finding, letting go. Pain and disappointment dealt with. Frustration got rid of.  And arching over all of that trust - trust of yourself and trust in and from others.

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